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Tax Projection & Strategy

At Gedeon Law & CPA, we guide our clients through a full range of tax planning strategies that minimize their tax liabilities, maximize their cash flow and keep them on track to realize their financial goals.

Tax planning is a process of looking at various tax options in order to determine whether, when, and how to conduct business and personal transactions so that taxes are reduced or eliminated. As an individual taxpayer and/or as a business owner, you will often have the option of completing a taxable transaction by more than one method.

Our tax planning strategies will minimize the amount of tax paid, and generally position the company or the individual in a favorable tax position while still complying with the relevant tax laws and regulations.

Our business and individual clients pay the lowest amount of taxes allowable by law because we continually look for ways to minimize their taxes throughout the year, not just at the end of the year.

We recommend Tax Saving Strategies that help you…

  • defer income so you can keep your money now and pay less taxes later.
  • reduce taxes on your income so you keep more of what you make.
  • reduce taxes on your investments so you can grow your wealth faster.
  • reduce taxes on your retirement distributions so you can retire in style.

At the end of the day, we work for our clients and not for the IRS. It’s this philosophy that drives us to carefully plan and utilize legitimate tax strategies to help our clients effectively reduce their tax liability.